
New life community church

107 Little Ones (created Aug 10, 2022)

My parents were from two different church backgrounds. It was good, in one way, for my four siblings and I, as we learned from both perspectives growing up. But, to decide which church to raise their children in, became a problem for Dad and Mom. It seemed the only solution was to attend neither. Then, some time in the 1950’s a couple of ladies from a mission in Saskatoon came to our farm.  They were offering “Sunday School by Post” which were bible lessons for children. Dad and Mom realized this might be an acceptable compromise. Every Sunday we sat around the dining room table doing our lessons, then mailed them in for correction and were sent new ones. Often, the mission would send a gift as an award for completing a series of lessons. We looked forward to that. One booklet I received as an award had a lot of pictures. I can still remember one picture that really impacted me. It depicted children gathered around Jesus, with some sitting on his knees and the caption, “Jesus loves the little children”, as well as this verse, referring to acts of kindness – loving, helping, feeding, visiting and clothing the less fortunate, from Matthew 25:40, “I assure you that when you have done it for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you have done it for me.”

Little ones, in many cases, are the less fortunate. We see this in troubled places around the world. Jesus cares for these little ones and so should we.

Matthew 19:13-15 Little children were brought for Jesus to lay his hands on them and pray. But the disciples scolded those who brought them. “Don’t bother him,” they said. But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and don’t prevent them. For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” And he put his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left.

This same event, recorded in Mark 10:13 and Luke 18:15 uses the terms “young children” and “infants” or “babies”, depending on the translation. In light of this, how does Jesus feel, knowing all that is happening in our world to children, born and pre-born. Oh, yes, he knows, and no doubt is very much grieved at the suffering of little ones, both living and those who are not given the chance to be born. Where do we stand on these issues? That picture of Jesus blessing little children and the verse, “when you have done it for one of the least of these…you have done it for me”, changed my attitude toward the little ones in the old country school I attended so many years ago. Would to God that truth would change our society today!

63 Just Do It!

Pastor Karl's Column - 5. "Christ is Risen"

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! What a great message – Jesus Christ is alive. Death and the grave could not hold Him from fulfilling what He had said, “Destroy this temple (his body) and in three days I will raise it up again” John 2:19.

In Luke 24:13-35, there is a powerful story of two of Christ’s disciples who were dejectedly walking back to their home in the village of Emmaus. This was on the same day that Christ had risen, although they had not yet seen proof of that. No doubt they were so troubled, fearful and confused about Christ’s suffering, death and now his alleged resurrection. But, as they walked and talked, Jesus came and walked with them, although they did not recognize him. After asking them questions and hearing them tell of their concerns, Jesus begins to explain everything from scripture about himself. When they arrive at their destination, they urge Jesus to stay with them and eat. As Jesus broke and blessed the bread, they discover that this is, in fact, Jesus, the risen Lord!

Could it be that, because they were so focused on their fears and the uncertainty of all that had taken place in the previous three days, they did not know it was Jesus walking and talking with them? What about us? What are we focused on? Is our focus on the pandemic all day long? If we are not careful, it could be, and this focus could cloud our vision from seeing anything except fear, frustration and desperation. Let’s change that and begin to focus on good things. If we fill our time and minds focusing on God’s goodness, promises in the bible, uplifting music, positive reading material and other encouraging input, Jesus will reveal himself to us. Remember – what gets your attention will get you; what holds your attention will hold you.

Pastor Karl's Column - 4. "Jesus Prays in the Garden of Gethsemane"

After the last supper and Christ’s last teaching to his disciples, Jesus went to Gethsemane, a place his disciples knew well where Jesus often went, a quiet place to rest and pray. It was situated on the Mount of Olives, on the eastern slope of the city of Jerusalem. Jesus left eight of his disciples there, but took Peter, James and John with him a distance further. Then he, by himself, went still a little further, knelt down and prayed.

Jesus was in great agony and sorrow, even to the point of loud cries and tears (Hebrews 5:7). His sweat became like blood, dripping to the ground. Three times, he prayed this prayer, “Father, if it is your will, take this cup away from me; nevertheless, not my will, but yours be done”. The cup was the imminent and horrible suffering he would soon experience – the mocking, the lashing, the crown of thorns, etc., and the crucifixion. He struggled with all of this, even asking for release three times, but always ending with, “not my will but yours be done”.

Jesus did complete his father’s will and thereby fulfilled the plan of redemption – salvation for all who call on his name, repenting of sin and receiving Christ into their lives. All can receive mercy and forgiveness and be saved but we must sincerely pray that same prayer, “not my will but yours be done”. God has a plan for each one of us and for our world, in spite of this evil virus. Your will be done, Lord! (Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:32; Luke 22:39-46)

Pastor Karl's Column - 3. "Safety without fear"

It has been said by a late president of the United States, “the only thing to fear is fear itself”. The peace of God can be yours during this time of fear and uncertainty.

To help us overcome fear, let’s look at one of many portions of scripture on this subject – Psalms 91.

I encourage each of us to read and re-read this psalm, applying it to ourselves, our family and community. The first two verses set the stage, giving us requirements in order to receive the benefits of the following promises. Verse one says, “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty”. I believe that living in the secret place is the daily practice of spending quality time in God’s presence through prayer, scripture reading, and meditation. Verse two says, “I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust’ ”. We should be say things like: God is my help, my shelter, my hiding place, my safety; I will trust in God, I will lean and rely on Him. Let’s examine where we are living – in God’s presence or in the presence of fear and panic? What are we speaking – our fears or God’s promises? Try saying this, “God will help us!”

Let’s use wise practices, but let’s not engage in fear. The Lord bless and keep you safe.

Pastor Karl's Column - 2. "The Lord's Prayer"

Hello everyone in “Wadena News Land”! I’m wondering what you have done with the call to prayer that I advocated in my last article? If you have had trouble starting, I would like to suggest the Lord’s Prayer as found in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 6, verses 9-13. Making the prayer personal could be more meaningful. For example, instead of saying, “Our Father”, say, “My Father” and instead of “give us our daily bread” say, “Give me my daily bread”. For me this is more meaningful and helpful in my conversation with God, knowing that I am individually known by Him and He loves me. Then, after making the prayer personal, you can use the prayer for others as well by using the plural words – our, us, and we, as we pray for our community, province, country and the world. God Almighty loves us all. We need Him now and always.

Lord, deliver (me) us from this evil virus in the Name of Jesus Christ! Amen!

Pastor Karl's Column - 1. "The Call"

Hello Folks! This is Pastor Karl Kienle from Kuroki. I am responding to the “call” for correspondence in the March 2nd issue, under the heading, “Wadena News Wants You”. I would like to call my column, “The Pastor’s Corner”, as was suggested by one person from the Wadena News.

When we think of a corner, it is generally a smaller area in a building. So, these articles will be on the smaller size. My messages in church are generally a short 20 to 30 minutes; occasionally 45 if I go on a “rabbit trail”. Someone has said, “If you can’t strike oil in 20 to 30 minutes, quit boring!” Good policy!!

Thinking of the “call” for more articles in the Wadena News, I would like to give out an urgent call for prayer. Our country – really the world is in a dangerous crisis with the COVID-19 virus. It is very serious, as we are all aware. I know Almighty God hears and answers prayer so we need to pray earnestly, in faith, calling to God for mercy, forgiveness and deliverance. Will you pray? God will help us. Jesus said in Matthew 7:7, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”.




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